Bar Bouche

Bar Bouche has been a winner on Amsterdam’s Wibautstraat since the end of 2019. The owner had a clear image in mind for the interior: a pleasant mix between an authentic French bistro and the pop / neon atmosphere from the nineties. A place where you feel welcome, where you forget the time – because you enjoy sharing food, drinks and you feel at home.

FELD has translated these ideas and vision into a sustainable interior plan.

Oui Oui, merci!

With the fine steel frame in a striking yellow color, the bar and storage racks provide a fresh contrast to the more authentic elements in the interior. The shelves in both racks are provided with a metallic HPL with an organic oil-like pattern. The balustrade on the first floor is made with decorative concrete blocks. This can be reached with a steel emergency staircase in a nice purple color. And yes – the French are quite fond of floral wallpaper. That is why we have created a homely atmosphere. The vertical tile pattern near the toilets is reminiscent of a lovely French beach chair. The ceilings here are mirrored, let’s go disco!

Nice Neon

In keeping with the 1990s style, the lighting uses many light tubes – in some places these are used in different colors. Based on a concept proposal, the lighting plan was further developed and realized by Fosfor Design.